Specialty Telemedicine

An Essential Practice Resource

When Referral to a Specialist Isn't Possible, DVM STAT IS HERE FOR YOU


When Referral to a Specialist Isn't Possible, DVM STAT IS HERE FOR YOU 〰️

“We are committed to breaking down barriers to specialty medicine through specialty teleconsultation. Our mission is to improve access to high-quality care, regardless of financial constraints or geographical limitations. We stand by veterinarians in their pursuit of excellence, offering unwavering support as they strive to deliver the best possible medical treatment to patients and clients. With a focus on accessibility, affordability and collaboration, DVM STAT aims to revolutionize the veterinary healthcare landscape and ensure that every animal receives the exceptional care they deserve.” 

DVM STAT Founder - Dr. Kristin Welch, DACVECC


  • “Absolutely amazing service. Not sure if I want others to know about it. Thank you very much for all of your time and help... I have worked with a lot of specialists over the years and I am extremely impressed by your breadth of knowledge and more importantly your willingness and ability to share the information in such a collaborative manner.”

    Mike, Emergency Doctor

  • “DVM STAT Consulting is an amazing service that benefits both veterinarians and pet owners by providing specialist support for a variety of cases. Their highly competent and friendly board certified veterinary specialists and detailed case reports allow veterinarians to elevate the care for their patients and gain medical knowledge in the process. Every veterinary practice and relief practitioner should be using this service. ”

    Cindy, Practice Owner

  • “DVM STAT consulting has been a game-changer for me in my Relief business. It has helped me to learn and grow as a practitioner when I'm up against a critical care case that's beyond my expertise, and given me and many clients peace of mind. Each practice where I've used this service has gone on to open their own DVM STAT account and start using it regularly.”

    Jennie, Relief Doctor

Providing Consultations for both

Canadian & US Licensed Veterinarians

Whether you have a complicated case, a critically ill patient or a diagnostic puzzle, DVM STAT is here for you.

DVM STAT Consulting is a collaborative group of Board Certified Specialists in the areas of Critical Care, Radiology, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Cardiology, Anesthesiology and more that provide comprehensive written teleconsultations to veterinarians across the United States & Canada.

Our Specialists work with you to ensure that your patients receive the best in Specialty care - all while in your care. Our secure medical records portal and PACS provides quick transmission of your medical data to our team allowing you to focus more time on patient care.

Prompt communication, accessible specialists and personalized service set DVM STAT apart.


Contact Us


Business Matters

833-386-7828, extension 0

Phone Consult STAT Line:

833-386-7828, extension 1

DVM STAT Specialties

Emergency & Critical Care

Complex cases are our specialty

Critical Care consultations include a telephone and written consultation - 24/7. Thorough case review to dig deeper into the best path forward on your most complicated cases.

Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging

Prompt detailed reports
We provide quality reports with defined conclusions. Radiology reports will be available in less than 24 hours and in nearly all cases, less than 4 hours - with no STAT fees. STAT reports with a 1-2 hr turnaround available. Accepting radiographs, ultrasound, CT & MRI images.

Internal Medicine

Co-manage internal medicine cases with an experienced internist

Medicine consultations are detailed, thoughtful and informative. Ultrasound interpretation available. Our Medicine team is collaborative and accessible to you for long term follow-up.


Work one-on-one with cardiology for optimal outcomes

Comprehensive cardiology consultations including radiograph interpretation, ECG evaluation and detailed monitoring and treatment recommendations. Long-term Cardiology follow-up on your cases available to ensure optimal management while under your care. Emergency arrhythmia evaluation and detailed treatment plans. Remote echocardiography interpretations include a detailed cardiology consultation. Preanesthetic ECG evaluation to maximize your anesthetic safety.


Sharpen your neurology acumen and ensure your patients receive the best care

Bring a Neurologist into your patient’s care earlier in disease to optimize medical outcome. Our Neurologist is here to help you ensure a thorough neurologic evaluation, review your neurology examination on video and guide treatment of some of your most complicated patients. Ongoing support to follow dynamic case progression or for long-term management of patients with seizures and other chronic neurologic conditions.

Anesthesia & Analgesia

Every consult is an opportunity for improved anesthetic safety

The anesthesia specialists with DVM STAT have decades of experience working with private practices like yours. Our goal is to provide you with recommendations to help your team manage anesthesia for your challenging patients, in your clinic using the equipment and medications that you have. Our anesthesia consultation plans are designed to minimize stress for your patient before arrival at the clinic, prevent anesthetic complications, optimize pain management and recovery.

  • Examples of cases that benefit from anesthesiologist’s consultation: 

    • Geriatric patients 

    • Patients with pre-existing diseases such as renal, cardiac and airway disease 

    • Patients for which you’ve had complications in the past and want help refining their anesthesia plan 

    • Problem solving a recurring anesthesia issue in your patients

Incorporate DVM STAT Consults into Your Daily Practice

There is no charge to set up a DVM STAT account and no monthly fees or minimums to meet. We are truly here for you when you need to consult with a Specialist. Contact us for more information and pricing.